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This Plastic Free July we have decided to help you convince those around you of the lesser known advantages reducing plastic can offer.

Therefore, our team has brainstormed ideas to remind ourselves of the products our friends and family fell in love with, even if they are not interested in living plastic-free in the slightest.

Let’s be frank, these zero waste alternatives are so good that they out perform the original product.

Let’s get going:



  1. Silicone leak-proof bags for freezing and taking food on the go: the perfect swap for cling film, plastic wrap or aluminium foil

These bags are made from mineral silicone (made from silica), they allow you to freeze food safely, zero waste and toxin-free. They are also great for taking snacks on the go when you are out and about. We are certain that when you show them to your family, they will agree that these bags are a much better alternative than plastic wrap or foil.

What our customers say:

Great, equally good for taking snacks with you as well as storing food in the fridge, as they are water-tight the food keeps really well”.

  1. Wooden dishwashing brush: alternative to synthetic sponges and scourers

Never before has a washing-up brush created so much excitement. Made of wood and with natural plant-based bristles, its comfortable handle helps you to be able to clean even the most difficult surfaces, such as the bottom of pots and pans, and without scratching or marking a thing. In addition, it’s 100% biodegradable and the brush head can be replaced, so that your handle will last you for years and years.

What our customers say about this brush:

I don’t know how I managed to wash the dishes for all those years with regular disposable sponges. Now that I know about this brush, I will do it this way forever more. Not only because it doesn’t contaminate, but also because it works like a dream. It’s hard enough to remove leftover food and dirt, but also gentle enough not to scratch anything.”


  1. Eco-friendly cellulose and cotton kitchen cloths – VALUE PACK: the swap for synthetic cloths and spongess

Absorbent, easy to use, odour-free and 100% biodegradable. Once those around you try out these eco-friendly cloths, they won’t want to go back to using synthetic ones. Not only do they avoid generating millions of microplastic particles that end up in our oceans, but they also leave your counter tops and taps clean and shining.

What our customers say about these cleaning cloths:

They work like magic, I haven’t noticed a difference compared with the microfibre ones I used to use, they do the same job and they are more environmentally friendly for the planet.”

  1. Olive oil soap from Marseille: the perfect alternative to detergents, floor cleaners, dishwashing liquid, window cleaner… should we go on?

Our love for the soap from Marseille is legendary, but it’s just that we can’t stop recommending this product because as well as being cheap and eco-friendly, it is just SOOOO useful. It’s just as effective for cleaning yourself in the shower, as it is for cleaning the whole house from top to bottom, and it only costs a couple of Euros. A true bargain.

What our customers say about the soap from Marseille:

The best soap I have ever used. As a body soap, for cleaning your clothes and cleaning the house. I am in love with this product and with the soap flake version”.

  1. Traditional Aleppo soap: the perfect swap for hand soap or shower gel that allows you to do some good at the same time

If the soap from Marseille is loved for its versatility, the soap from Aleppo is loved for how gentle it is on the skin. Ideal as a hand soap, a shower gel or even as a shampoo, the purchase of this bar of soap can do some real good and will convert even those who are the most reluctant to try zero waste.

What our customers say about soap from Aleppo:

Everyone in our house loves it, we have noticed how much better our skin feels and we use it for our hair too, it’s great.”

  1. Shower (or bath) cleaning brush: an idea swap for those synthetic sponges and cloths

This wooden handled brush for cleaning the bath tub or the shower is not only an alternative to other synthetic products, it also offers some relief for your back. Its long handle helps to apply uniform pressure to your movements helping you to avoid back breaking work. It thereby also means you can reduce the need to use cleaning products. This is why we are convinced that it will win over the hearts of those around you.

What our customers say about this brush:

It is very useful for cleaning the shower. It gets into all the nooks and crannies effortlessly and it works for cleaning the tiles as well as the shower screen rails too. Thanks to this brush I am able to give the bathroom a more thorough clean in less time. I love it.”

  1. Stainless steel insulated drinking bottle: a swap for thermos that have plastic components and those single use versions

Unlike other insulated drink bottles, this one doesn’t have any plastic components coming in contact with your drink, so it is 100% safe for your health. But not only that, it is very strong, light, it doesn’t “sweat” or form condensation and it will last you a lifetime. If the person you want to convince of the benefits of living plastic-free likes going on picnics, you know where to start…

What our customers say about this thermos:

Excellent! I have the regular drink bottle and now with the insulated version I have the perfect set for taking water with me whenever I want, hot or cold. An important tip for taking it in your backpack, if you pack it inside you can insert a stainless steel cup they sell on the website, that way you save room :)”

  1. Stackable stainless steel picnic cups: the switch for single use disposable cups

They don’t weigh barely anything, they are cheap, strong, and being stackable, they take up nearly no room in your backpack. These stainless steel picnic cups are responsibly made only a few kilometres away from our warehouse. They are the perfect addition to your kit when going camping, for taking to a BBQ or even simply to be prepared and avoid disposable cups in unforeseen situations.

What our customers say about these cups:

Super happy, I bought it to take to work and to not have to use a plastic cup every time I want to have a drink of water. I love it.”

  1. Safety razor: the perfect swap for disposable shavers

Disposable shaving razors are one of those single use products that have been created purely in order to sell more, as the original safety razors do the job perfectly. Don’t you remember your grandfather always shaving using the same razor? That’s how we know that this classic safety razor for all hair removal needs will be a winner with all those who give it a go.

What do our customers say about this safety razor:

My first time with this type of razor and I am loving the results. Not only that, the size of this razor makes it ideal for travelling.”

  1. Metal bucket with a wooden handle for the garden or the beach: an alternative to all those plastic toys for playing at the beach and/or in the garden

This extra-strong bucket, made from metal and wood, will delight those young and old when out enjoying nature. Combine it with this spade and this sieve and give it to some of your favourite little people to show them that toys don’t have to be made of plastic. They’ll fall in love with it too.

What our customer say about this bucket:

Beautiful, and very strong.

Do you like our selection?

Then you are going to love signing up to the Plastic Free July Free Challenge, at and join others from all over the world (or invite someone you would like to convince to take the first few steps):

Plastic Free July free challenge

Start reducing the plastic in your life and sign up to Take the Challenge at Plastic Free July.


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  2. There are many items on this list that do not contain plastic or aluminum. There are several coffee machines that are completely stainless steel for example. But if you’re looking for an electric zero-waste coffee maker, it can be a bit more difficult, although the ones on this list come pretty close.

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