On June 5th, we celebrate the World Environment Day (WED), a global celebration that aims to raise awareness about the need to safeguard our environment. This date was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972 as a vehicle to raise public awareness on the importance of the environment, promoting political attention and action. … Continue reading “WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY 2015”
Category: Responsible consumption
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A few weeks ago, we published a post about plastic free showering. Then, we mentioned the issue of plastic microbeads hiden in our shower gels, shampoos and body scrubs. In this post, we are going to explain what these microbeads are, what problem they pose and how to identify and avoid them. What are microbeads? … Continue reading “HOW TO AVOID MICROBEADS IN COSMETICS”
Is responsible consumption possible?
We are all looking for well-fare, living a healthy life and fulfilling basic needs…” and having something left for a small impulsive purchase.” Society tells us that well-fare is based on comfort and surrounds us with products that make our life “easier”: electrical and electronic goods, vehicles etc. It also tells us that our needs … Continue reading “Is responsible consumption possible?”