What is COP 21?
COP 21 is the 21st UN Conference on climate change which takes place in Paris from November 1st to December 11th. 185 States will meet to try to achieve a binding an universal agreement on Climate Change.
A crucial agreement
The success of the COP 21 is crucial as it is considered as the last chance for politicians to achieve a global agreement on climate change. If this agreement does not come out, it would demonstrate the incapacity of the United Nations to create solutions on this matter and could mean the end of the international attempts to implement solutions to reduce climate change.
A political agreement is not sufficient
Reach an agreement is essential to slow climate change for real. Nevertheless, change does not only come from above. Each citizen also has a responsibility on this matter. In Sinplástico we want to point out the power we all have but often forget.
Governments and big companies do have a lot of weight on our planet’s climate fate, but CO2 emissions have to do with all of us.
As consumers, we have a real power, we can opt for another way to consume, we can change the world. There are a lot of local initiatives in which we can participate and simple things that we can do to reduce our ecological footprint.
Here, we give you our top 5 tips to reduce your CO2 emissions:
- Eat less meat. The meat industry is one the first emitter of greenhouse gases. Without leading a vegetarian diet if you don’t want to, you can reduce your meat consumption and select more ecological and sustainable our food of animal origin.
- Choose locally grown and seasonal food. Food transport emits a lot of greenhouse gas. Eat local food is a very efficient way to reduce our climate footprint and to support the local economy.
- Reduce our energy consumption using electrical devices and caring about thermal insulation of your home.
- Change your electricity provider. Find a new provider that can insure you green electricity from sustainable sources.
- Walk, use public transport or a bike. Say goodbye to your car and turn your daily journeys in reading moment or exercise if we go walking or riding.
And of course, say goodbye to disposable plastic. The single use product manufacturing uses a lot of energy and is responsible for emissions that are senseless in front of the shortness of their useful life. And this is without talking about the carbon footprint of the management of the waste they create.
That is why, as we wish the COP 21 will be the stage of an historic agreement, each of us can commit to a healthier planet following the tips above.
Conserve energy at home.
Take a stroll, a bike ride, or the bus or train.
Increase your veggie intake.
Think about your travels.
Less food should be discarded.
Reduce, re-use, fix, and recycle.
Change the energy source in your house.
Use an electric vehicle instead.