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Our daily reliance on plastic has reached extreme levels and it is time to reduce our use, little by little, day by day.

Plastic has a detrimental effect on the planet. Our extensive use of this non-biodegradable material results in, amongst other things, the death of hundreds of thousands of marine mammals every year.

It’s the same or worse when it comes to our health… as many of the common plastic additives (Bisphenols, Phthalates, polyvinyl chloride(PVC), flame retardants, etc.) are endocrine disruptors and they are associated with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity and cancer.

Join our pledge #iliveplasticfree

At Sinplastico we believe it is time to commit to our health and that of our planet.

Therefore, we want to encourage anyone who feels motivated to create a healthier and greener life, to take small steps that turn into sustainable habits.

These are the 4 basic steps to making our pledge:

  1. I commit to the environment by saying no to plastic bags
  2. I commit to my health by using ceramic, stainless steel or glass containers
  3. I commit to future generations by choosing sustainable materials
  4. I commit to myself by implementing a monthly action plan to live a more plastic-free life

Our pledge

Support our pledge by sharing this picture on Facebook or tweeting our pledge!

We also want to encourage you to share your achievements and experiences whilst reducing your use of plastic on social media with the hashtag #ILivePlasticFree

[button link=”” color=”custom” size=”large” target=”_blank” title=”Share your experiences!” gradient_colors=”#1e73be,#1e73be” gradient_hover_colors=”#1e73be,#1e73be” border_width=”2px” border_color=”#cfceca” text_color=”#ffffff” shadow=”no” animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”down” animation_speed=”0.1″]#ILivePlasticFree on Twitter[/button] [button link=”” color=”custom” size=”large” target=”_blank” title=”Share your experiences!” gradient_colors=”#254c5a,#254c5a” gradient_hover_colors=”#254c5a,#254c5a” border_width=”2px” border_color=”#cfceca” border_radius=”15px” text_color=”#ffffff” shadow=”no” animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”down” animation_speed=”0.1″]#ILivePlasticFree on Facebook[/button]

Join our #ILivePlasticFree Challenges

Each month we suggest a simple challenge with which you can drastically reduce the amount of plastic you use. They are challenges you can achieve alone, with your family or with anyone you choose… The more people you get involved the better it is for the planet!

You can click on each and every challenge page to see what we have done as well as get advice, tips and lots more!


If you want more advice, tips and ideas to reduce your plastic usage, don’t hesitate to visit our blog, where you will find everything you need to live a plastic-free life. And if you want more, you can also sign up to our newsletter and we will keep you up to date with all our new ideas.

Please follow us on your favourite form of social media

2 thoughts on “#ILivePlasticFree”

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