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Bicileta para vacaciones sin plástico

We´re all eager to go on vacation whether you like the sun and sand, exploring nature or discovering new places, cultures and people…We love it, right?

At Sinplástico we want to challenge all you holiday makers….

Do you dare to take a Zero Waste vacation?
Follow our guide and tips to organise your adventures in a sustainable way, following your philosophy of life.

Let’s start with a reflection, we want you to consider the holidays as a moment of change, a space for relaxation in which we allow ourselves to change our habits, cook more, think more, make up less, ultimately live a slower life: P.

  1. Off we go….

¿Cúal es el tema de tus vacaciones? Parece una pregunta obvia pero vamos a empezar por el principio.

What is the theme of your vacation? It seems an obvious question but let’s start at the beginning.
Do you like vacations in nature, beach holidays, hiking in the mountains, city breaks or discovering new cultures? Whatever you want to do, you´re in luck because there are options for all your vacation desires wherever you´re going on this beautiful planets of ours.

–> Our tips: Take advantage of and discover green spaces wherever you go; parks, hiding from the sun under a palm tree, nature reserves, deserted coves, go off the beaten track (safely), see if you can find a secret shady square in the heart of a city, and take time to look at the amazing planet we live on.

  1. Transportation:

Let’s stop here for a while and think about the impact of our carbon footprint. We don´t want to be the big black cloud hovering over your holiday plans but as much as we would love to travel for 15 days to the Caribbean – this option is not the most sustainable.
Here are some figures to think about before buying your tickets – CO2 emissions for a return trip to Paris from Madrid:

  • Flying: 1,147.50 kg CO2
  • Driving: 484.50 kg CO2(approx depending on type of car/van)
  • Motorcycle: 306 kg CO2
  • Bus: 158 kg CO2
  • Train: 63.80 kg CO2
  • Bicycle or on foot: 0 kg CO2

The data is alarming and made us stop and think, we hope it makes you take pause too. One way to compare your carbon footprint for your vacation is to use this carbon footprint calculator (there are many other also available) and also don’t forget to think about your plans when you get to your destination 😉
Our tips:

  • Choose nearby destinations, there are wonderful places near your home and we often do not even know them…what a paradox.
  • When you´re on holiday cycling is a great way to get around and to connect with your surroundings, make new friends and let yourself be surprised by the pleasure of getting on a bicycle again.
  • If you finally decide to go far, try to extend the stay as long as possible.


  1. Accommodation:

Staying away from home can be exciting and below we have some tips to help you remember how to stay sustainable. Whether you´re camping, renting an apartment, staying in a hotel, a tree house or cave house, doing a house exchange (we love this option) or renting a country house we have options for everything.
Our tips:  

  1. Eating on Holiday:

Bring out your inner chef, go browsing in local markets, wherever you go there is sure to be one with many local and surprising products that can rekindle your creativity.

Our tips:

  • Take your reusable shopping bags with you on holiday – easy to pack, weighs nothing.
  • Keep buying in bulk even when you´re away from home, please see this collaborative directory for Spain with Living Without Plastic bulk buy directory these directories exist for many countries and will just take a few seconds to find online. Here one worldwide directory.
  • If a local directory doesn´t exist look for local markets where you can buy in bulk and also
    don´t forget the bakery of the town and the greengrocer that will allow you to taste the local specialties.
  • • When you´re on holiday try to seek out the ecological shops and sustainable restaurants and use local products then you are supporting local business and get to try out something completely new. 😀

We hope you have found the tips helpful and remember – enjoy the journey, relax and leave nothing behind.

Contact us any time if you have any more questions about this subject, we love helping you in the change to a more sustainable and friendly life with our environment.


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